Osteo & Physio

Osteo and Physio provides Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Sports therapy and Massage from comfortable and conveniently located clinics across the UK.

Welcome To Osteo & Physio

With 10 clinics situated throughout the UK, Osteo and Physio are proud to offer fast and effective treatment for pain and injury. Our expert practitioners offer a range of safe and effective therapies including Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Sports therapy, Shockwave and Massage, applied according to your individual needs.

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How We Can Help You

Whatever your pain or discomfort, our practitioners are here to help. Some common conditions are listed here but if you don’t see your complaint listed, don’t worry! Get in touch to discuss how we can help.
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We can help with neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, Arthritis and much more.

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We can help you with anything from a mild ache to recovery from an acute injury.
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We can help mums from pregnancy onwards and also work with babies when they arrive!
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If you suffer from headaches, the practitioners at Osteo and Physio may be able to help you.
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Treating acute and long term tendon and ligament injuries such as tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and achilles tendinopathy.

What We Offer

We offer a variety of different services. If you have any questions about which you should choose then get in touch!

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      Contact & Booking

      If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or you’re ready to book your appointment, just click your preferred clinic. If you have any questions you can contact us by clicking below.

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