
Your back is very strong

I wanted to emphasise how well designed and strong our backs actually are. Understandably, after an episode of pain people often feel that their backs are weak and vulnerable. This might lead to someone thinking that their back is fragile or that the back problem might last forever. Fortunately, this is usually not the case.

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5 myths around treatment for bad backs

Ben Verling, Osteopath at Osteo and Physio, explores some of the myths around treatment for bad backs. 1) Bed rest is bad. Most people are aware that you need to keep as mobile as possible to help back pain get better. This can simply mean hobbling around your bedroom before lying back down again, any

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You are what you eat

You are what you eat, or so the saying goes. I wanted to give an example of how you can optimise your diet around specific nutrients (that are in everyday foods) that will benefit your healthspan. The following is also a good example of how what you eat will affect the expression of your genes

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The importance of functional footwear

Shoes are obviously essential to enable us to go about our daily lives, but unfortunately, most shoes are not designed with natural foot movement in mind. In an ideal world a shoe should: Be flexible and not rigid, to enable the foot to move as it has evolved to do. It should have a wide

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How to bend forward and not hurt your back

The action of bending forward is a common cause of low back pain. Simple (seemingly innocuous) movements such as washing the dishes, ironing or even just picking up the newspaper can place strain on the low back if performed incorrectly. It is the cumulative effects of these small but repetitive movements that can lead to

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