
A day in the life of a Sports Therapist at Osteo & Physio

This week we launch our series of articles featuring the therapists who work at Osteo and Physio – and the problems they help solve and treat – beginning with sports therapist Alice Weekes. Educator, problem solver, listener… just some of the traits I utilise on a daily basis in my role as sports therapist at

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Tight hamstrings or bad low back?

Tight hamstrings (the muscles on the back of the thighs) are often reported as a problem by people we treat. So why might your hamstrings stay tight even after you’ve stretched them? 1. The hamstrings are 3 muscles that run from the base of the pelvis to the back of the knee but they function

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Neck pain treatment for poor posture in Epsom, Staines, and Sidmouth

Do you have perfect posture?

Most of the people we treat feel that their posture could do with improving. Having good posture will certainly help prevent back pain from occurring, but it is worth mentioning that it is not possible to have perfect posture all of the time. Sitting upright at a desk will, of course, be better for you

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Busting myths about back pain

Osteopath Ben Verling explores some myths around back pain. He says: ‘As Osteopaths we see people coming to us for many different reasons and often hear misconceptions about why back pain has occurred and the treatment needed for it.’ Here are some of the most common: 1) Back pain just happens sometimes for no reason.

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Your feet were made for walking!

Did you know that a quarter of the bones in your body are situated in your feet? Each foot has over 200,000 nerve endings, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles and is a biomechanical marvel of evolution. You will walk in excess of 100,000 miles in your life, with each foot bearing the cumulative load of

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How much activity is enough to benefit your health?

The short answer is less than you probably think. The human body is very responsive to physical stimuli and has evolved to move, the reason why it is advisable to be active on a daily basis. But, that does not mean you have to run miles every day to reap the physiological benefits of exercise.

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Are you breathing correctly?

In practice, we see a lot of people that do not breathe correctly. When was the last time you thought about your breathing? It is obviously something that we normally do without paying it too much attention. When in pain or under stress it is common for a “breathing pattern disorder” to gradually develop. This

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How aware of your body are you?

The majority of people we treat tend not to be sure of what has caused their pain with a lot of the injuries we treat not being due to an obvious cause or single event, such as a fall or awkward lift. The cause of most problems tend to be more subtle and insidious. These

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Why does back pain sometimes seem to happen for no reason?

We often have patients that come in to see us that are unsure what has caused their back pain. One minute they were fine, the next their back hurts. What could be going on? Your back is actually incredibly strong and we are fortunate to be able to take for granted how strong it is

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Workout? You may need to “Work In” too

It is common knowledge that you need to work out to get fitter and stronger. But to get fitter, stronger, remain injury free and to stay healthy it is helpful to do some “working in” too. The concept of “working in” can be summed up as gentle full body movements that do not cause you

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