Your back is very strong

Your back is very strong

I wanted to emphasise how well designed and strong our backs actually are. Understandably, after an episode of pain people often feel that their backs are weak and vulnerable. This might lead to someone thinking that their back is fragile or that the back problem might last forever. Fortunately, this is usually not the case.

The purpose of the spinal column with its 24 mobile vertebrae is to protect the spinal cord, an important job as it is part of the central nervous system. It does this incredibly well. Your spinal cord is encased in hard bone and surrounded by very tough ligaments and strong, flexible muscles that allow enough movement to occur without damage to the cord inside.

You also have a fabulous alarm system to help in the protection of the spinal cord – the nervous system. Lots and lots of “alarm bells” (think danger detectors) surround the spinal column and will ring if anything goes even a little bit wrong. Acute pain is never enjoyable but it has to be unpleasant to make you pay attention and all in all, we wouldn’t be here without it.

Take home message:
* Your back is strong and a marvel of evolution, try to think of it as such. You may need to strengthen some of the muscles around it or get some treatment to help it function better, but try not to be fearful of certain movements when a problem has resolved. Feeling confident in your back helps to keep those helpful “danger detectors” reassured that all is well.