Alicia Gray

Alicia Gray
(M.Ost) Osteopathy
Whilst growing up in Norfolk Alicia first discovered Osteopathy and decided to pursue her interest as a career, graduating with a Master’s degree from the University of St Mark and St John (M.Ost) in Plymouth. Her expertise lies in diagnosing and treating a diverse range of musculoskeletal conditions.
As an osteopath Alicia employs a variety of treatment modalities to enhance function, alleviate pain and promote recovery. She tailors her approach to each patients’ unique needs, assessing for joint mobility, muscle tension and movement patterns.
Alicia’s love for the gym and yoga is mirrored when providing patients exercise recommendations and educating patients on self-care. As a practitioner she aims to minimise the reoccurrence of injury and in doing so ensures her patients are well informed. She has a compassionate outlook which complements her friendly nature, providing a safe space for patients.
Her skills include
Articulations and harmonics
Soft tissue release
Acute and chronic pain management
Lifestyle advice, exercises and self-management