Our top tips to prevent injury when running & the importance of rebuilding your exercise levels up gradually

Our top tips to prevent injury when running & the importance of rebuilding your exercise levels up gradually

Now that the holiday season has passed and new year’s resolutions are here, many people are looking into starting a new workout regimen and getting into shape. Starting new workouts can lead to injury if you do not warm up and train appropriately. Even simple exercises like running can lead to serious injury without proper training beforehand. Here are some helpful tips to help you prevent injury when running and gradually build up exercise levels.

Stretch first

It is important to loosen and warm up your muscles and joints before running. Stiff cold muscles can lead to further injuries, such as pulling or tearing a muscle. Cold muscles can prevent you from using your full range of motion. Stretching and warming up before running or any workout will prevent injuries. Stretch out your calves, and starting with a walk will help warm your body up.

Monitor your technique

Making sure you run using a proper technique will also prevent injury when running. When running, make sure your core is engaged, your head is tall, looking forward, and you aren’t hunching forward. Keep your footfalls with a midfoot strike and gentle when running, don’t strike the ground with the balls or heels of your feet alone. This can create extra strain on your back and feet.

Eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated

Eating a well-balanced diet and staying hydrated is just as important as your workout! Eating well will give your body the energy for your exercise and the nutrients it needs to build up your strength during recovery. When running and working out, your body expels water through sweat and burns energy faster throughout the day. Drink enough water to replenish your fluid loss to prevent dehydration and further injury to your body.

Building your endurance and strength gradually

When you exercise and run again, start slow and gradually build up your endurance and strength. Start with shorter runs and increase your distance and speed over time. Start a running program to help you improve your gains over time. Starting to run too long and too fast can lead to injuring yourself over time.

Osteo & Physio

Osteo & Physio offers a wide range of treatments that could help you combat and treat most injuries before they happen. Our therapists can help with sprains, muscle pains and focus on preventing injuries to yourself. From runner’s knee to plantar fasciitis and a lot more, we can help devise treatment plans to help avoid damage to yourself this new year.

Call us today on 03455577788 or visit our website to schedule an appointment.