What is Osteopathy?
Osteopaths are trained to offer additional lifestyle advice to complement the treatment and prevent symptoms recurring. Advice on posture, diet and appropriate exercises are routinely given. Some of the problems that patients present to osteopaths with include a variety of muscle and joint pain, sporting injuries and postural problems caused by work, driving or changes to the body during pregnancy.
The British Medical Association’s guidance for GP’s states that doctors can safely refer patients to osteopaths and we often correspond with GP’s to inform them of progress or if we feel further investigation of a problem is necessary.
There is now a growing body of evidence to support the osteopathic treatment of certain common acute and chronic conditions. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommends manipulative therapies such as osteopathy for the treatment of low back pain.
For your body to function well, its structure must also work well and be in good balance.
Treatment is individually tailored to each patient.
Advice on posture, diet and appropriate exercises are routinely given.
How we treat osteoporosis
Did you know that 1 in 2 women aged over 50 and 1 in 5 men will break bones due to osteoporosis? The right level and type of exercise can help prevent and treat this condition.
How osteopathy supports yoga or Pilates practices
Here at Osteo and Physio we really see the benefits of Pilates and yoga for core strength and mobility. So many people come to see us with back pain, and both forms of exercise can actively support back care. We actively encourage clients to take up classes, and at the same time we know the value of adequate preparation. Our osteopaths take care to assess your strength and fitness to make sure you start at the right level and avoid injury.
How a positive attitude eases pain
Research shows that an optimistic attitude relieves painful symptoms, and sometimes it’s easier to stay positive when you know you have support!