
pilates or yoga

How osteopathy supports yoga or Pilates practices

Here at Osteo and Physio we really see the benefits of Pilates and yoga for core strength and mobility. So many people come to see us with back pain, and both forms of exercise can actively support back care. We actively encourage clients to take up classes, and at the same time we know the value of adequate preparation. Our osteopaths take care to assess your strength and fitness to make sure you start at the right level and avoid injury.

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Stress – Rethink it

We all know that too much stress is bad for our health. As an osteopath I regularly see the physical consequences that daily stresses can place on people’s backs and necks. In fact, stress can manifest and exacerbate all sorts of ailments from simple muscular tension to cardiovascular disease. But it is not just the

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The benefits of Yoga and Pilates for lower back pain

WITH the colder weather creeping in, Osteo and Physio are helping more clients who are complaining of aches and pains, particularly in the lower back. There has been talking in the news recently about how yoga and pilates can make a positive difference to lower back pain – alleviating pain and improving ease of movement.

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Workout? You may need to “Work In” too

It is common knowledge that you need to work out to get fitter and stronger. But to get fitter, stronger, remain injury free and to stay healthy it is helpful to do some “working in” too. The concept of “working in” can be summed up as gentle full body movements that do not cause you

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