Discover the link between stress and chronic pain
Our osteopaths explain how they see stress affecting chronic pain, and how they treat it
Our osteopaths explain how they see stress affecting chronic pain, and how they treat it
Discover how osteopathy for headaches works as an effective pain relief treatment
Many people visit our clinics seeking osteopathy for pain relief. Our osteopaths support people of all ages whose life is affected by pain, whether that’s from an injury sustained through sports or at work, or chronic conditions like arthritis. Doctors write 55 million prescriptions for painkillers each year, so it’s not surprising that so many
Do you suffer from headaches on a regular basis? If so, you’re not alone. Many people deal with the pain and discomfort of headaches every day. While there are many different ways to manage headache pain, osteopathy can be an effective option for some people. In this blog post, we will discuss how osteopathy can
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in many forms to alleviate conditions and discomfort. Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM) acupuncture is the most widely practiced, and more familiar to most. Western acupuncture (or Dry Needling) is inspired by TCM acupuncture, but bases its use on different principles, and is essentially a more simplified
Most of the people we treat feel that their posture could do with improving. Having good posture will certainly help prevent back pain from occurring, but it is worth mentioning that it is not possible to have perfect posture all of the time. Sitting upright at a desk will, of course, be better for you
In practice, we see a lot of people that do not breathe correctly. When was the last time you thought about your breathing? It is obviously something that we normally do without paying it too much attention. When in pain or under stress it is common for a “breathing pattern disorder” to gradually develop. This
The majority of people we treat tend not to be sure of what has caused their pain with a lot of the injuries we treat not being due to an obvious cause or single event, such as a fall or awkward lift. The cause of most problems tend to be more subtle and insidious. These