Osteo and physio online: The benefits of an online consultation

Osteo and physio online: The benefits of an online consultation

It is with great sadness that we have had to close our clinics across Devon for the next few months. The coronavirus has changed the way we live our lives, and we all have to adapt. Here at Osteo and Physio, we are adapting by bringing you online consultation support.

Although, for the time being, we can no longer offer hands-on help through direct Osteopathy and Physiotherapy, we have put together an online consultation system that offers many of the same benefits through:

  • Maintaining a full understanding of your pain
  • Giving you an accurate current diagnosis
  • Providing expert advice on what to do and what to avoid
  • Creating a structured exercise and self-treatment program for maximum relief and recovery

Many of us have been through some degree of psychological trauma over the past few weeks. Even those with the most laid back outlook on life are struggling to comprehend the effects of having the very fabric of our lives pulled out from beneath us. This trauma, alongside these new, solitary and restricted lives we are now facing can manifest in a multitude of ways but inevitably it is the physical body where the effects are noticed first. Tight shoulders, a sore neck and back, tension through the hips, perhaps even headaches.

In order to help we are providing two new appointment types.

  • For our existing patients, we are offering a 15-20 minute consultation over WhatsApp (a free, easily downloadable app)
  • For new patients, there is a full case history and diagnosis taking approximately 30 minutes.

Both appointment types will include a clear working diagnosis and explanation of your complaint if possible and then tailored advice, management and exercises to help relieve your symptoms. A lifestyle advice and exercise plan will be emailed to you after each appointment.

A follow-up call a week later to check-up on your progress allows us to check on your progress and maximise the benefits of your plan, ensuring you are doing your exercises correctly and keeping up with potential improvements.

You can book in online or call us up on 01884 308123.