What causes acute back pain?

acute back pain

What causes acute back pain?

You’ve spent a lovely half hour in the garden, enjoying planting and digging over new beds. Or you have been enjoying time with your small children or grandchildren, perhaps picking them up and swinging them or giving piggy-backs.

Then it happens. You straighten up and your back ‘just goes’. You feel a twinge of pain that’s sharp enough to make walking difficult and you wonder what you’ve done.

Sound familiar? It’s a story we hear again and again, with low back pain being the most common symptom people arrive at our clinics with. So why does acute back pain happen, what can you do about it and how can osteopathy help?

Why does acute back pain happen?

It is estimated that 15% to 20% of adults have back pain during a single year and 50% to 80% experience at least one episode of back pain during a lifetime.

The definition of ‘acute’ is simply an episode that is shorter than 6 weeks in duration.

Sudden back pain usually comes about as a result of longer-term weakness. Often because of sedentary lifestyles, our backs can grow stiff and out of   shape. Tension builds up over time until a seemingly gentle movement causes acute back pain.

The key message here is that acute back pain always happens as ‘the final straw’ in a pattern of accumulated weakness and stress. For example, sitting for long periods of time at a desk, or whilst driving, stretches the ligaments and weakens muscles that support the spine. Repetitive bending, perhaps whilst working or gardening, can overload the spinal discs in a particular area of the spine.

If you are working in an office or driving a lot, build small stretches regularly into your routine – small movements and stretches will help prevent tension and weakness building up in any one area. This article offers other suggestions for prevention of back pain.

What can I do about my back pain?

Time is, of course, a great healer. Often back pain will get better by itself. If possible, keep moving normally and smoothly, and take an over-the-counter painkiller as and when needed. Try applying hot and cold treatments to the affected area to bring relief – heat relaxes the muscles and gets blood flowing, and a cold pack will ease inflammation. Alternate applications of heat and cold – 20 minutes of each.

When to seek help for your back pain

If pain lasts longer than a few days, gets better then worse or the pain is so severe you can’t move, seek help.

If you can’t urinate, or feel any numbness in your groin – go to A&E.

If you have any weakness, pins and needles or numbness in your lower limbs, book in with an osteopath.

If in doubt, call to speak to one of our expert osteopaths for advice.

Osteopathy for back pain

Regular osteopathic treatment and advice is a great way to avoid these kinds of injury, and it’s a proven therapy for back pain recovery.

Osteopaths use a range of hands-on techniques to reduce your pain and prevent it from returning. These techniques work to release tension and improve how your body move as a whole. Your osteopath may ask you to perform some simple movements and stretches. They’ll also feel around your joints, ligaments and tissues with their hands (this is called palpation).

The main techniques your osteopath may use include the following.

  • Soft tissue techniques – directly applying pressure to the soft tissues of your back to reduce tension in your back and relieve pain.
  • Articulation – mobilising your joints through their natural range of motion.
  • Stretching to relieve stiffness.
  • Manipulation –  a quicker thrusting action made by your osteopath with their hands at a particular point of your spine.
  • Muscle energy technique – your osteopath will ask you to push against them, while they apply force back, to boost the range of motion in the affected joint.
  • Functional technique – here, your osteopath will gently move your joints into positions that ease any tension and pain, before gradually working them back into their original position.

Your osteopath may also offer advice on improving your posture, and the types of exercise that will support your recovery.

Book your appointment now

Our osteopaths always work to eliminate your pain and bring your back into optimal health and strength as fast as possible. They also aim to give you the knowledge to prevent the problem from returning.

It couldn’t be easier to book your appointment with Osteo & Physio! Book a session via our app, website or call our friendly reception team on 0345 5577788.