Molly Brown
Molly Brown
After dealing with personal health challenges myself, I decided to embark on the journey to become an Osteopath and graduated with a Distinction from the University College of Osteopathy in London. Alongside my degree I trained and worked as a Sports Massage Therapist and Vinyasa Flow Yoga Teacher, which has influenced how I practice Osteopathy by incorporating elements of Yoga into my practice.
My style as an Osteopath includes both structural and functional osteopathy, incorporating a wide variety of techniques such as joint manipulation, soft tissue massage, stretching, exercise rehabilitation and pain education. I believe that good communication and understanding the patients expectations is at the core of being a good Osteopath. My treatment is individualised for each patient and tailored to their condition, specific needs and stage of recovery.
Her Skills As A Clinician Include:
Acute and Chronic Neck Pain, Low Back Pain and Sciatica
TMJ pain, Headaches and Migraines
Pelvic Pain and Pregnancy Discomfort and Acid Reflux
Stress Management and Health Coaching