Shockwave therapy for shoulder pain

shoulder pain

Shockwave therapy for shoulder pain

Shoulder tendinitis, or inflammation of the shoulder tendons, is a painful condition with several possible causes. Shockwave therapy is a safe and effective way to relieve the pain and promote long-term healing, and in this blog we’ll explain what causes shoulder tendinitis and how shockwave therapy helps.

What is shoulder tendinitis?

Two types of tendinitis can affect the shoulder, biceps tendonitis and rotor cuff tendonitis. Both can be caused by repeated motion of the arms (often in sportspeople but also in those working in jobs that involve overhead heavy lifting). Also, as tendons age, they tolerate less stress and tear more easily – so a direct blow to the shoulder or a fall on the arm can cause shoulder tendonitis.

When a shoulder tendon is repeatedly compressed, it can thicken. Because there isn’t much space inside the shoulder joints, this leads to more compression, and hence more thickening.  This causes pain and inflammation.

Biceps tendinitis

If you have biceps tendinitis, you will experience pain in the front or side of your shoulder. This pain may radiate down to the elbow and forearm and can worsen when you raise your arm over your head.

Rotator cuff tendinitis

The pain of rotator cuff tendinitis is felt at the tip of the shoulder and the upper arm.

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that attach the arm to the shoulder joint and allow the arm to rotate and elevate. The pain can be aggravated by reaching, pushing, pulling, lifting, raising the arm above shoulder level, or lying on the affected side.

How does shockwave therapy relieve shoulder pain?

Initially used in medicine to break up kidney stones, shockwave therapy uses low energy pulses which have been clinically proven to stimulate healing and reduce pain, ultimately lead to a significantly reduced recovery time. It is a gentle, non-invasive way to relieve the pain of shoulder tendinitis.

Both for patients with chronic shoulder tendon pain, and for those who have only just experienced some pain, shockwave therapy has been shown in independent research to be effective and safe in its effects.

Shockwave machines deliver rapid blasts of acoustic waves from the applicator in the therapist’s hand into the target area down to a pre-specified depth. Research is showing that the interaction these waves have with the tissues stimulates tissue repair, reduced pain and increased mobility.

  • Formation of new blood vessels : One reason tendon issues can take so long to recover is the poor blood supply to the area. Shockwave therapy creates microruptures in the capillaries leading to the creation of new vessels. This allows the body to more effectively introduce the nutrients required for repair.
  • Stimulation of Collagen Production : Collagen form the building blocks of connective tissues such as ligaments and tendons. In order for these tissues to effectively repair, new collagen needs to be created. Shockwave therapy accelerates the production of collagen.
  • Reduction of Chronic Inflammation : Chronic, long term inflammation is one of the key factors behind the long recovery times and high levels of pain associated with tendon issues. Shockwave therapy works to increase mast call activity in and around the affected area, essentially speeding up the inflammatory process, so that you get better quicker

Is shockwave therapy safe?

Osteo and Physio clinics use the highest standard of shockwave machine on the market and treatments are administered by fully trained and insured musculoskeletal experts. Your practitioner will take a thorough case history to fully understand the clinical history behind the condition.

What can I expect at my shockwave therapy appointment?

Shockwave appointments take approximately 20 minutes although the actual therapy can be over in just 5 minutes in some cases. During your appointment your therapist will likely provide additional treatment such as gentle soft tissue massage and joint mobilisation and you’ll also be given specific and tailored rehabilitation exercises and advice.

Find quick and effective relief from the pain of shoulder tendinitis today – make an appointment with  osteopath Jonathan Boxall at our Honiton clinic.