Osteopathy for new parents to enjoy your baby pain-free

new parents enjoying baby

Osteopathy for new parents to enjoy your baby pain-free

Our team of osteopaths often see parents whose back pain began or got worse after the birth of their first child. This period of life is both a joyful and a challenging one, bringing new routines, and less sleep! In this blog we will explore the reasons for the common complaint of sore backs and aching muscles and how osteopathy for new parents can help you enjoy life with your new baby pain-free.

Physical challenges for new parents

Both for the woman who has given birth and her partner, there are many physical challenges that arrive as part of life after a new child arrives into the family. More bending and lifting, and carrying a new baby mean that the body is working differently. There is less time and energy available for exercise. Finally there is less time to recover through sleep.

And as parents of a new child, it is inevitable that less attention is paid to your own physical needs. It’s important that you make some time for yourself though, as this is a lifetime commitment that will call for you to be in tip-top condition!

Fortunately, osteopathy for new parents can help!

New mums

For a new mum who has just given birth, she will still be recovering from the postural changes brough about by pregnancy and birth. If you are a new mum who has experienced pelvic pain during pregnancy, these symptoms may continue after birth. Abdominal and pelvic muscles may have been weakened by birth and pregnancy, which may contribute to the risk of back and joint pain in those early days while you lift and carry your new baby.

Pelvic floor and abdominal exercises are important to prevent back and joint pain, and also complications such as stress incontinence.  Ask our osteopaths if you haven’t received any advice about how to do these.

Common lifting injuries in new parents

One common lifting injury found in new parents is tendinopathy at the base of the thumb (De Quervains Tenosynovitis). This condition is caused by lifting babies with outstretched thumbs which are positioned under their armpits.

The weight of the baby on the thumb joints may lead to irritation of the tendons, in turn resulting in pain and tenderness in the thumb and forearm. To prevent this happening, keep your thumbs tucked into the side of your hands when lifting.

When carrying your baby, alternate the side on which you lift, and use different carrying postures. Take note of any flare-up of pain when carrying in one position rather than another. You may find a sling supportive, if you choose to use one check out advice on selecting and adjusting it. If you are experiencing pain when lifting and carrying your new baby, make an appointment with our osteopaths to get it checked out earlier rather than later. Early diagnosis and treatment can really help you enjoy life with your new baby to the full!

Breast feeding posture to prevent back and joint pain

Finding a supportive posture whilst breast feeding is crucial to preventing back and joint pain. Hormones produced whilst breast-feeding make joints more mobile, increasing the risk of injury. 

Sit in a supportive chair where you can rest your arms to each side and try to keep an upright posture with shoulders back and chest open. You can use cushions to support your baby’s weight and your own arms to give your arms and back a break. Breastfeeding is a beautiful time to gaze at your baby, but make sure you break your time gazing down with with periods where your head is upright and relaxed.

Book your osteopathy appointment now

It couldn’t be easier to book your appointment with Osteo & Physio! Book a session via our app, website or call our friendly reception team on 0345 5577788