
The Sharp End of Complimentary Therapy

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in many forms to alleviate conditions and discomfort. Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM) acupuncture is the most widely practiced, and more familiar to most. Western acupuncture (or Dry Needling) is inspired by TCM acupuncture, but bases its use on different principles, and is essentially a more simplified

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Stress – Rethink it

We all know that too much stress is bad for our health. As an osteopath I regularly see the physical consequences that daily stresses can place on people’s backs and necks. In fact, stress can manifest and exacerbate all sorts of ailments from simple muscular tension to cardiovascular disease. But it is not just the

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How aware of your body are you?

The majority of people we treat tend not to be sure of what has caused their pain with a lot of the injuries we treat not being due to an obvious cause or single event, such as a fall or awkward lift. The cause of most problems tend to be more subtle and insidious. These

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