Sitting a lot? Here’s 3 stretches to stay agile


Sitting a lot? Here’s 3 stretches to stay agile

The holidays are a time for fun and festivities, with lots of time spent with loved ones, and of course then there’s Christmas television! All the travelling, socialising and eating means we’re often sitting down more and for longer periods than we’re used to. So it’s not surprising if, during and after the holiday season we pay a price: stiffness and sore muscles. This is especially true if you’re usually quite active and exercise more. Don’t let the holiday season get the best of you as you move into the New Year – try our simple routine of 3 stretches to help rid yourself of any stiffness or pain!

The benefits of stretching

When it’s cold and wet outside, it’s easy to give in and spend the day on the sofa during the holidays. Add to that the rounds of socialising, sitting with family and friends sharing drinks and nibbles, and before you know it you have gone days without stretching and moving your body properly.

But setting our muscle tissues in certain positions for long periods of time leads to knots, aches, pains and particularly tight hip flexors and quadriceps. This can then interfere with our sleep and make it harder to enjoy time with loved ones.

Working just a few minutes of stretching into your day not only helps reduce stiffness and aching, but it can also boost energy levels and circulation, help you fight fatigue and sleep better.

Three stretches to help you stay fit and agile

  1. Quadriceps stretch: Start by standing up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend one knee, bringing the heel towards your buttocks, using your opposite hand to keep it in place. You should feel a gentle stretching sensation down the front of your thigh. Hold for 20-30 seconds then switch sides.
  2. Hamstrings stretch: Lie on your back and bring one leg up towards your chest, using both hands to hold the thigh in place until you feel a stretching sensation down the back of the leg. Hold for 20-30 seconds then switch sides.
  3. Hip flexors stretch: Start in a kneeling position and bring one foot forward, bringing the knee towards your chest. You should feel a stretching sensation across the front of the hip on the opposite side to where you have moved your leg. Hold for 20-30 seconds then switch sides.

By stretching regularly throughout the holidays, you can keep those muscles flexible, reduce stiffness and keep the aches away!  Make stretching part of your daily routine, so you can stay fit and agile not just over the holidays but into the New Year. 

And if you need help shifting that stiffness and pain, be sure to reach out to our team of experienced osteopaths for some expert support and treatment!