James Noble

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James Noble


James graduated from Plymouth Marjon University with a Master’s degree in Osteopathy (M.Ost) . James has exeprince treating an array of conditions across different age spans whilst treating at the university clinic. Whilst there he endeavored to have a positive and lasting impact on each of his patients.

His passion is to help patients improve their health and lifestyle to whatever degree with a foundational approach of movement. His work background and clinical experience has allowed him to work with a wide range of age groups spanning from primary school children, teenagers, and adults. James prides himself on good listening skills and empathy, his treatment/management techniques that encompass a whole person and holistic approach.

With a passion and background in sports, strength, and conditioning this is implemented in his practice, however this is often tailored to the individual treating each person uniquely. Treatment often includes soft tissue massage techniques, gentle rhythmical harmonic movements, articulation, and manipulation. His passions include playing basketball for a national league team in Exeter. Competing and training for over 8 years at various levels ranging from amateur to professional. A regular and avid gym goer, he also enjoys cycling, walking, the occasional run and discovering new coffee spots! 

His skills as a clinician include

Sports injuries

Articulation and harmonics.

Aftercare/lifestyle advise

Self-management and rehabilitation

Joint manipulation and mobilisation

Acute and chronic pain management

Basketball players